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Corey Costelloe's Blog

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Manny...Being Manny. Jose being Jose

So Manny Ramirez tests positive for performance enhancing drugs and is suspended 50 games by Major League Baseball. Manny's giving us the canned answer "I didn't know, I was prescribed it..." Yada Yada Yada.
Are we baseball fans that stupid? Can we really believe another cheater who was caught red handed? Manny's statement released through the players union was to me more of an admission of guilt than innocence. Wouldn't you hold a press conference? Wouldn't you provide us with the prescription bottle? The Doctor's Name? Or the "medical condition" at the root of the prescription? No. He hasn't and he won't
I don't know what you think about professional wrestling, but back in the 1990's when Hulk Hogan was accussed of using roids, he hit the talk show circuit, went on late night TV and denied ever using (whether or not we believe him given pro wrestling's record is besides the point). The guy was convinced he was innocent, and he let us know. Manny's got to be more proactive, unless he's hiding something.
Manny already says he won't appeal the suspension (something an innocent man would). Prescription? Yeah, how many clinics were busted in Florida recently for "prescribing" drugs to people who didn't need them for medical conditions.
I hate to say it, but wasn't it Jose Canseco telling us just a few weeks ago that he was "90% certain that Manny would test positive for steroid,"? Wow, he's got a better batting average now than when he was playing. Jose is so far batting 1.000.
Sorry Manny I'm not buying it. Unfortunately you're lower than Barry Bonds, Barry never tested positive, never served a suspension, you have. Oh how the mighty have fallen.


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