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Monday, December 15, 2008

Made it to Brookings!

About 24 hours after our scheduled arrival the CSUB men's basketball team has made it to Brookings, South Dakota. It was about an hour long drive from Sioux Falls where flew into (twice) and stayed last night. The team had a 3pm film session and are currently resting awaiting practice this evening, their first after yesterday's travel drama.
Legend of our trip is already spreading around back home. Glad to hear everyone is concerned, I've received numerous calls and emails about our ordeal. The good news is we're all fine. Darn cold, but fine.
The sun has just gone down, which means the high of -11 will soon draw colder, it's currently -12 with the "feels like" factor putting it at -28...and yes that is Fahrenheit.
I can't really explain what that feels like, basically I was outside two hours ago in a heavy jacket but with just jeans legs are just now coming too. I also ventured out of Bakersfield without my gloves and everytime my fingers get exposed, the tips go numb. I've never been in that kind of cold before.
Got the video editor all set up, just trying to get a new one uploaded. Will post it here when I do.


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